Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Language as a Barrier to Integration: Focus Living in Argentina

This article gave me a chuckle. Makes me think about all the slang Tagalog words that we picked up in Manila that can't be printed here.

My older sister, Debi, had a friend in Japan who was half Japanese, half American. Said friend was fluent in Japanese, and thought it would be fun to play a trick on sis. We were staying in the hotel and they decided to order some hot chocolate from room service. Debi, wanting to be cool, asked friend how to say "hot chocolate" in Japanese. Picking up the phone, Debi ordered "Ni hot opai kudasai!" as friend rolled on the floor laughing. When the room service operator said "WHAT? WHAT?" Debi caught on quickly that she had been punked by her friend and had just ordered "two hot breasts, please." Trust no one!

Language as a Barrier to Integration: Focus Living in Argentina

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