Saturday, March 8, 2008

Please Sign this Petition to Make Sleepovers Illegal

<sigh>  I know they are fun.  I know I went to them when I was a kid.  But crimenentlies*, they are torture for the parents.  Christian only invited 4 boys, but we were awakened at 4:15 a.m. by the sound of them playing darts in the game room directly below our bedroom.  I went downstairs to find Christian sleeping soundly on the couch, his hands & feet duct-taped together.  There was also a can of shaving cream there, but mercifully I don't think it was used at any time.  The other four monsters -- er, I mean boys, were running around the room, doing what I don't know.  I told them this was a SLEEPover and they needed to settle down and sleep.  To the best of my knowledge they did, and slept until 10 a.m.

And to extend the torture, Lisa is having a sleepover next Friday night with TEN girls.  What am I nuts????  TEN screaming, giggling girls.  Tune in next week to see if Mom survives the insanity.


*Some weird expression my mom used to use.  As in, "Crimenentlies, can't you clean up your room?"

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