Friday, January 21, 2005

Just some pictures

It's really Saturday the 22nd, by the time I got around to writing text.  We're hunkered down here, waiting for the rain and ice.  It shouldn't be too bad, but it sure as heck better not keep David from flying in from New Orleans!  Quentin is off taking the SAT, as a result of qualifying for Duke's talent identification program.  They let 7th graders take it, to see if they are prodigies or something!  I don't think I did that great on the thing when I was a junior in high school!  But it was enough to get me into college, and now I are smart!

Quentin got off the bus yeterday with the news that he had won the Southlake Spelling Bee!  Colin won the school-wide bee at his school when he was in the 7th grade ... must run in the family.  Funny thing was, Quentin didn't even know the bee was yesterday, and a friend talked him into doing it!  His winning word:  filibuster!  (Did I spell that right?)  Now he will go to a regional spelling bee against other private schools in the area, and if he wins that, he'll go to the Charlotte Observer bee, which is the precursor to the Scripps-Howard national bee.  (Well, I'm not holding my breath!)  Colin came in 3rd in the Observer bee two years ago ... it was a real nail biter! 

I was out to lunch yesterday with a friend, when I felt a tap on my arm.  It was Melanie's pediatrician, out for a much-needed relaxing lunch away from the clinic.  I took the opportunity to ask her about the University Oral Surgery folks, telling her about the trouble I was having with Dr. M.  She had heard about Dr. Spignoli (at University) and she said, "Go for it!"  Nice to have that vote of confidence!!  I'm a big believer in the stars & planets lining up a certain way and I think I feel a galaxial convergence coming on.

My friend gave me an awesome book to read, called "Turbulent Souls".  I can't put it down, it's fascinating ... about the son of a very Catholic family who turned out to have converted from Judaism.  The book traces the son's search for his Jewish relatives, who disowned his parents when they converted.  Okay, my book recommendation for the day. 

Off to drive the slick streets to pick up Quentin.

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