Thursday, November 3, 2005

Florence Nightingale, I am NOT

Colin had four wisdom teeth and an ankylosed molar extracted this morning.  It was so hard to see my tall, almost-grown son staggering around in his loopy stage after the anesthesia.  When we got home I had to halfway carry him up the stairs.  I went to get his pain meds (percoset!) and when I got home he was just in agony.  He was crying, I was crying.  I called the office and cried some more.  Gave him a pill, but it took a full 30 -45 minutes to kick in.  He finally slept, and I dozed on the couch beside his bed.  Melanie went to school after his procedure, and I just picked her up.  She fell asleep in the car on the way home, so she's out for a while.  The house is quiet ...

After a 4 hour nap, Colin woke up and had a Wendy's Frosty, and seems more "together".  I gave him another percoset, and wrapped his face up in a towel filled with frozen peas, and he's off in dreamland again.

Last night the funniest thing happened.  You'll probably think I'm obsessed with deer, but this one was totally not my doing.  We were on the way to Blockbuster to pick up some movies (David is in Maine).  I jokingly suggested that we rent "The Sound of Music" but Quentin explained that the puppet scene freaks him out with all the googly-eyed marionettes, etc.  At that very moment, a DEER jumped out of the trees and in front of my car.  I had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting him, and the kids all screamed.  I think I said a bad word.  Anyway ... he ran around in a circle for a minute, then off into the woods across the street.  Quentin laughed and said, "DOH!" like Homer Simpson, and I said, "A DEER!" and he said, "A FEMALE DEER!"  It was just so ironic that I had just been talking about The Sound of Music.  Weird.  I feel like I'm living in a deer time warp or something ...


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